Credit: C.G Fry & Son Ltd
Chagford Community Trust owns the freehold of 28 properties on the Bellacouch Meadow Development in Chagford. CCT worked with Dartmoor National Park, the developer CG Fry, Chagford Parish Council and the landowner. As part of the planning agreement, CCT was given ownership of the freeholds of the affordable dwellings, 22 of which are rented and the other 6 in shared ownership. These are managed by Aster Communities, a registered housing association, all with secure tenancies. This arrangement ensures that the homes are permanently affordable, not just in the present but for every future occupier. In common with other community land trusts the CCT is committed to providing homes to people with local connections who would otherwise be priced out of the market or rent from the private sector under unfavourable terms. The rental properties are fully integrated into the Bellacouch development, with the same high-build standards.
By the end of 2022 all the affordable and shared ownership homes were occupied, by people with strong local connection. Tenants of the affordable homes have expressed high levels of satisfaction.

Interested in an affordable rented home?
Any vacancies will be advertised on the Devon Home Choice website. This site advertises all the available council and housing association homes that are currently available, including those in NE Dartmoor. To apply for consideration for one of the affordable homes you will need to register with Devon Home Choice. Check with this website to see if you are eligible. In addition, the affordable homes in Chagford are primarily aimed at people with a local connection. Go to priority groups criteria.
Future housing
The CCT is committed to extending the quality and range of affordable housing in the Chagford area, with particular emphasis on high environmental standards. We welcome enquiries from prospective developers.
Housing allocations policy for
Bellacouch development, Chagford
Priority One
Priority One
- You currently live in the parish of Chagford and have done so throughout the previous five years; or
- You have lived in the parish of Chagford for a period of five years, but have moved away at some time in the past three years; or
- You have a strong local connection to the parish of Chagford. For example:
- You are employed in the parish or your work is primarily carried out in the parish, and this has been the case for a continuous period of at least two years;
- You have a family member living in the parish who has done so for a continuous period of at least five years;
- A significant part of your upbringing took place in the parish
Priority Two
Priority Two
- You currently live in an adjacent rural parish having done so throughout the previous five years; or
- You have lived in an adjacent rural parish for a period of five years but have moved away at some time in the past three years; or
- You have a strong local connection to an adjacent rural parish (see the examples given in Priority One, which will be applied to the adjacent rural parish rather than Chagford)
Priority Three
Priority Three
- You currently live in an additional parish having done so throughout the previous five years; or
- You had lived in an additional parish for a period of five years but have moved away sometime in the past three years; or
- You have a strong local connection to an additional parish (see the examples given in Priority One, which will be applied to an additional parish rather than Chagford)
Note: To be able to apply for the affordable houses it is essential to register at Devon Home Choice as soon as possible. The length of time you have been on the Devon Home Choice is an important factor.