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Chagford Community Trust – our privacy policy


Information we collect

The Chagford Community Trust is committed to keep all personal data secure. We collect and store names and contact details and other personal information in order to operate the organisation and achieve its objectives. We collect the following data:

  1. Names and contact details of members of the CCT.
  2. Names and contact details of people making applications for grants on behalf of an organisation or project.
  3. Names and contact details of people who have made general enquiries to the CCT.
  4. Names, contact details and other data pertaining to applications for tenancies of the CCT business units.
  5. Names, contact details and other data on the tenants of the CCT business units.

How and why we collect personal data and how long it is stored

  1. We collect and store members’ contact details to keep a record of the size of the membership so we can communicate with members, for example publicising the annual general meeting, conveying information relevant to the members, or any matters relevant to the proper relationship of the Trust to its membership. Members’ contact details will be kept on record until membership is rescinded.
  2. We collect the names and contact details of people applying for CCT grants on behalf of a project or organisation. If the application is unsuccessful these details will be stored for 12 months. If the application is successful, the names and contact details will be stored for 12 months after the end of the project applied for.
  3. We collect the names and contact details of people who make general enquiries in order to answer their questions. These details will be deleted within 6 months of the enquiry being made.
  4. Data on unsuccessful applicants for tenancies of the business units will be kept for a maximum of 12 months.
  5. Data on tenants of the CCT business units will be kept for the duration of the tenancy and subsequently for a maximum of 12 months after the tenancy has been terminated.

None of the data specified above will be shared with third parties, except:

  • in cases where the CCT directors may need to consult a third party in the assessment of a grant application made on behalf of a project or organisation by an individual
  • for applicants for tenancies in the CCT business units, where an applicant’s credit status and other references may be shared with the managing agent of the CCT business units
  • for tenants of the CCT business units where the names, contact details and other data may be shared with the managing agent of the business units

Your rights

You have a right to have to know what personal information is held by the CCT, by making a request. Use the contact page  for this. You also have a right to have information on you deleted before the holding periods mentioned above, with the following exceptions:

  • pending applicants for tenancies of the CCT business units
  • current tenants of the CCT business units
  • the named person(s) on pending applications for CCT grants
  • the named person(s) associated with an organisation or project in receipt of CCT grants while the period the grant covers is still current

Note: members Chagford Community Trust Mutual Society who request to have their data deleted will at that point cease to be members.